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2020-05-26 07:16:01 投稿人 : 巷子 围观 : 评论

Welcome to THIS!

Established in March 2009, Tsinghua International School is an integration of Chinese and Western education and culture. The school aims to provide the education that introduces the western education philosophy with acculturation. THIS has the primary, middle and high school and currently we have more than 500 students. Our students come from more than 20 countries and regions including the US, UK, and Canada.



Established in March 2009, Tsinghua International School is an integration of Chinese and Western education and culture. The school aims to provide education that introduces the western education philosophy with acculturation. THIS has a primary, middle and high school and currently we have more than 450 students. Our students come from more than 20 countries and regions including the US, UK and Canada. Located opposite to Yuanming Yuan (a UNESCO World Heritage Site), THIS takes pride in its campus, which is on the grounds of the 100-year-old well-known Tsinghua University High School and surrounded by a strong academic atmosphere.

Middle School

Middle School at Tsinghua International School evolves from the inquiry based, progressive Primary School program and continues to inspire students to be collaborative, creative, innovative, and focused learners. Students are provided with opportunities to develop their skills, knowledge and understandings through a wide variety of learning experiences ranging from research and discussions to hands on explorations in the STEAM Lab, creative opportunities in the arts and heathy living through exercise and sport. All teachers are specialists in their content areas and in supporting the unique growth and development needs of the middle grade’s child. The courses are based on the American Common Core and AERO standards as well as the Ministry of Education goals for Chinese language, history and cultural studies. All staff work closely and collaboratively to support students and help them enjoy this special time in their lives all the while preparing them for the rigors of high school.


Admission to Tsinghua International School is a three part process. Students are required to have adequate grades from their previous school, pass a math test as well as an academic English exam and complete an interview in English. The overwhelming majority of our students come with some level of Chinese language ability, but it is not required. All students must have a valid, international passport to attend the school.


All secondary students at THIS undertake advanced study in both English and Chinese. The school’s language of instruction is English, and students who are below required proficiency levels in English take our regular courses, but also additional language support courses to improve their academic English. Once students have shown mastery of academic English, they are no longer required to take the additional courses. In Chinese language, we offer courses for both first and second language speakers. For students who are native speakers of Chinese, the curriculum is similar to that in a Chinese national school, with advanced work in history and literature to develop reading, writing and public speaking skills.


Our Activities Program consists broadly of four components:

  1. Community building: Every year we dedicate the first two weeks of school to community building, including special off campus field trips at each grade-level.
  2. Curriculum-based trips and Activities: Academic field trips and hands-on department days (e.g. History Day) focused on subject matter as well as applied understandings and skills in real life contexts.
  3. Extra-Curricular Activities: Numerous clubs which span a variety of interests are available each semester to secondary division students. Some clubs are student directed while others are led by THIS teachers.
  4. Evaluating and Sharing Knowledge: Students and teachers reflect on our activities within the framework of our mission, vision and value. Collecting trip feedback and presenting information about what was learned on each trip is part of our evaluation and sharing process.
  • International Schools Athletic Conference (ISAC), full membership since 2014. Division II: Boys volleyball, Girls volleyball, Boys basketball, Girls Soccer Division III: Girls basketball, Boys Soccer, Girls Volleyball Sportsmanship awards earned in all three sports, at the Middle and High School levels.
  • Association of China and Mongolia International Schools (ACAMIS): Trial member (2015) Athletic facilities: THIS Spartans share a gym and sports field with Tsinghua High School.

Services include individual, group, and classroom guidance on topics such as academic difficulty, peer relations, family crisis (death, divorce, etc.), and social/emotional concerns. Both counselor and teachers collaborate to create individualized programs for students and to develop classroom interventions.


Tsinghua International School
Campus of Tsinghua High School, Zhongguancun North St. Haidian District, Beijing, PRC 100084

中国北京市海淀区中关村北大街清华大学附属中学国际部 100084


(8610) 6277-1477 


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